Thursday, February 17, 2011

in honor of all things unspeakable

I have a poem up at Frostwriting.

... actually another one is up now: Sworn to Observance.

This little house is a bank I found on our street last night. I walked by it, but then went back, thinking I could use it in a shadow box, if I ever get around to making another one. It says "Sparkasse" on the facade, or "savings bank," and it has one of those old-timey German water troths out front at the right and a strange swaddled mummified thing there in the middle that I am thinking to pluck away. Once I figure out what it once was. I know the lighting is bad. Use your imagination.


Kathleen said...

I know I'm math-challenged, but don't you actually have two poems up at Frostwriting?

SarahJane said...

You are a good adder! They put up antoher one. Thanks, Kathleen.

Kass said...

Enjoyed both poems. Postcard made me grin and Sworn to Observance has an interesting premise. Very nice.

LKD said...

That saint suit of yours is a thing of beauty.

Thank you for sharing it with us.

I read poetry in hopes that I will stumble across the accidental or occasional or unexpected saint suit.

Yours will stay inside of me for a long, long time.

Thank you for your poem.

NE said...

Well done, Sarah! I thought maybe the e-zine had something to do with my old schoolmate, Bob Frost, but no...

Anyway, love the circle you drew for God... neat ending.

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