Tuesday, May 04, 2010

dear desire

I've been busy in my room building a new continent. It's a modest one, with a peninsula and range of shady mountains. No housing has gone up, meaning the envoys who come bringing news of far away shouldn't stick around. From my desk, there's a lovely view of a lake that spreads out like a soft ballroom. Above it, I've hung my favorite photo of Ingeborg Bachmann - a young woman, rowing a rowboat towards the shore.

1 comment:

BJeronimo said...

Having a sanctaury is wonderful, and like a 6 year odl with a pillow fort your attic (?) room sounds like a land where the sidewalk ends. Congratulations on keeping the homebuilders from laying claim.

For something completely different: this Mothers' Day, May 9th is the 50th anniversary of the US FDA approval to Searle to market The Pill for birth control. This article is funny:

I like the repurposing of the douche.

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