Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Death of the Marlboro Man

His wounds were sewn with smoke. His coma embraced the smell of suede and anise, cordwood, and all the stars stuck in tar. The prognosis was not good: one moment he’d look sound, the next he’d vaporize. The cowboys gathered round his bedside couldn’t know that just then he was having the sweetest dream; his stitches scarcely twitched to show it. Mist tangled the valley grasses. It nested in his beard and mustache; it permeated his pelt of hair, settling around him like ropes. Those old boys left the room, teary-eyed, switching off the overhead on the way out. From behind the curtain, the nurse spoke. “Let me tell you about my addiction,”she said, patting her book of matches, drying her hands on a side of beef.


Kass said...

Are you talking about Patrick Swayze in this poem? The original Marlboro Man of magazine print was in NYC when I was. He was dying of AIDS. This is an interesting poem. Why don't you write in poem form? Please explain the nurse/addiction/side of beef?.......
or not - gives me something to think about.

ron hardy said...

Happy trails, until we meet again, mythical Marlboro Man. His journey was truly the American dream. Or his dream was truly the American journey. Or his iconics were like a dream journey. Or a walkabout... I wish my hair had peltness. Will her hands ever truly dry? smile

SarahJane said...

thanks for reading.
kasscho, i did this as a prose poem because i like it as a little story. the side of beef has to do with the marlboro man's being what is sometimes called dead meat, i think. and no, it doesn't have anything to do with patrick swayze. I don't think he'd be so balletically athletic if he were a big smoker. thanks for asking!

Anonymous said...

I thought the Marlboro Man died of emphysema, so I just did a quick wiki search on the Marlboro Man. 3 actors played him in commercials and each died of lung cancer. Like smoked beef jerky.

toniclark said...

Pretty wild. I enjoyed the ride. Amazed to read (by anon) that all three Marlboro Men died of lung cancer. (I mean, they were actors, right? Not necessarily heavy smokers. But maybe they were...) I didn't get the "side of beef" but I liked the oddness of it. Have hardly written any prose poetry (except for "Big Babies"). I'll give it a try.

Anonymous said...

# 3 Marlboro Man is alive and well residing in Fort Lauderdale.....
Did you research to discover his name...Mr. August Brown

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