my mouth is made out of humming
that's made of spring water
that's made of nickel
my skin is made of helium
composed of veal
that's made of glue
my hands are bowls of snow
made out of blisters
made from monsoons
already my mind has smiled
out of its golden hospital
halfway through the operation, the surgeon
rests a spell, well deserved,
made of oxygen
Very nice, though, I have to admit, being a typical guy, the first line stuck in my head, What with "humming" means in the vernacular and all. Now it'll be a struggle to concentrate at work...
bob -
i'm so amazingly out of it... what on earth is "humming" in the, um, vernacular? i can only guess. my friends do say i need to get out more ...
This is the connotation that occured to me:
Definition number 1.
Sometimes I just can't help my bad self.
i'm so way behind.
cool dictionary!
Lovely! Surreal and completely sensible at the same time. And thanks to Bob, I've learned something new, too.
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