What smells better - lavender or bacon?
Implications aside, do you like watching forest fires?
What is a good book to read in autumn?
Earth, wind, fire, water. What’s your suggestion for a fifth element?
What do you hate about umbrellas?
1. Only if you ask them first, "Mit Gas?"
2. You're making me hungry.
3. I've never read "What"; who's it by?
4. Chocolate.
5. I lose them, but I'm too honest to steal one that someone else lost.
Chocolate is a good candidate, or at least cocoa. You skipped the forest fires questions, which implicates you.
I am answering two of these:
Milla Jovovich.
1-If the plant shows signs of neuralgia, yes.
2-It depends on how I am dressed.
3-They frighten me. Two bears in my family tree-Shardik and Smokey.
4-I thought ether was the fifth.
5-They remind that I have no idea where Cherbourg is located.
Implications indeed! "Hugh, and only Hugh, can prevent florist friars."
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