Monday, April 30, 2012


I don't know what happened to this week. Here we are at the end of National Poetry Month, and I only managed to write anything within the last week, like a reluctant IV drip. Because of my trip over the ocean, I also didn't participate in any giveaways and wish I did. So here, with my last opportunity, I'm offering a couple of copies of my chapbooks (=2 altogether) to whoever is interested. Just tell me if you have one or the other and leave your snail mail and I'll choose at random, provided someone answers....

On that topic, Dave Bonta the other day reviewed Excuse me while I wring this long swim out of my hair. Thanks Dave. Elsewhere earlier this month, a poet talked about my Book of Hours Ghazal at her blog. Thanks to her too!

Tomorrow is May Day in Germany, which is labor day, and I look forward now to a long sleep.


Kathleen said...

I have Excuse me so I want the other, and you have my snail mail. I am glad you got to travel.

Billy Joe said...

I have neither one and would be honored to receive either.

Billy Howell-Sinnard
C/O Lisa Smits
15016 Indian Creek Rd.
Ft. Wayne, IN 46814

I'm in route to move from Hawaii to the mainland (I know, why the hell am I doing that) this is my daughter's address where we will be staying for a few months until we get settled

SarahJane said...

guess what. you guys win!

toniclark said...

I have both books. Just wanted to add, very nice words about your ghazal!

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