Monday, August 30, 2010

back to school doom

I remember my first day of third grade. I was standing in line to enter to school and two third-grade wiseguys asked me, “Hey, did you ever fart?,” and while I was thinking it over I knew either way I was going to give the wrong answer.


Kathleen said...

Ah, one longs for one of those switcheroo movie moments. I'd go back now and say, "Do you know the average person farts 17 times a day?"

ArtSparker said...

I can imagine these two going directly to being two tedious elderly uncles, telling the same joke over and over at family gatherings, with no significant history in between.

SarahJane said...

well now I've had the last laugh. all's well.

Bronagh said...

My son and I just finished reading "Good Families Don't" a hilarious Canadian picture book about a highly visible fart infesting a proper middle class family. Ah, the joys of raising young children.

EKSwitaj said...

A bit like when the older boys ask Stephen Dedalus if he kisses his mother goodnight.

rallentanda said...

I am so pleased not to be average.I am also pleased that I wasn't called Celia.

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