What I like about February is how short it is. In Germany most people receive a monthly rather than a weekly or bi-weekly paycheck, so from the employee point-of-view, February is a bargain. Soon after, though, March seems like a lugubrious slog.
I woke up to new snow but even as I took the dog out for her morning tramp the pocks of treedrip were marking the snow.
I think it’s over now. Snowtime, I mean.
Let all the rain come! I got a thirsty new purse.
Yeah, baby, yeah!
Dog...treedrip...marking...great images,
as is that great moisture-seeking
device of creativity.
There is something very reassuring about your new purse.It reminds me of the school tuck shop.
i love the image of the purse; it looks like it couldn't hold a drop. But with the conviction of your words, I'll believe.
Bring it.
vinyl lining maybe?
i think your purse has its own climate system.
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