I’ve been meaning to mention that Read Write Poem is hosting a virtual tour of my chapbook In the Voice of a Minor Saint. Yesterday Dave Bonta reviewed the chap at Via Negativa, and a week back it was reviewed by Joseph Harker at Naming Constellations. I’m of course happy and grateful to have people read my poems.
The upcoming tour stops are here.
Otherwise not much poetry news. I got a Pushcart nomination from Apparatus Magazine for Tinder Box, a prose poem using the colors from the Crayola box of crayons. I’ve had a few acceptances recently but also a disappointing rejection of my little ms of home totem poems. Otherwise, I’m futzing around with a ghazal and some revisions.
UPDATE! DMQ Review wrote to say they've also nominated a poem of mine for a Pushcart. The poem, Monarchs, was in the spring issue. This is the second time DMQ has nominated one of my poems for a Pushcart. I'll have two poems in the next issue as well.
Well deserved, Sarah. Congratulations - I stand in awe of your style, determination, and poetic courage!
Onward you go!
- J.
Thanks a lot, Jeff.
Wishing you happy holidays!
Well, that was a bit shitty of dave bonta. To blame Tilt Press for his mistake! The listing of books has ALWAYS been posted to the site - ALWAYS. So sorry he missed it. *rolls eyes*
Otherwise - nice review, Sarah.
Rachel -
Let me be the FIRST to say the LOUDEST that Tilt Press rocks! You know old fogies like me usually avoid such expressions. Aside from the wonderful poetry you put out, you run a tight and efficient ship and I was always surprised how fast I got all the books, despite living across the ocean, not too mention how well put together they are. I've just ordered the second series and am looking forward to it.
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