Sunday, June 21, 2009

one fox sighting = one gin & tonic

The new Dirty Napkin is up, including my poem Emergency Subsitutions.
Charmi has a wonderful poem in the issue, too, called A New Mythology. It moves seamlessly and appears to have been effortless but it's doing some hard work, with pacing, progress and surprise. I also liked Timothy Pilgrim's Side Effects May Include.
Otherwise, it's too early for me to have read everything. Go over and read it for yourownself!


Liz said...

Too true - love it! And the gin title too... : )

BJeronimo said...

I enjoy the sensibilities that come through in your work. As well, I enjoy a solution to a problem that includes a jigger or two of some potent potable or another, when 3-4 obscure ones can be included in a single work - cheers.

Charmi said...

Wonderfully intuitive, Sarah!

Happy summer solstice to you!

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