Friday, September 14, 2007

Jumping Ship x 6

For Friday, a kind of confession

-We were eating lunch at my house, including salad, and cheese and crackers. He was impressed with my cheese plane and tried his hand at it, if not very smoothly. Later he thanked me for teaching him to use the cheese plane. I found this very bumpkin - not the lack of cheese plane experience, but the way he thanked me for it. As if I’d taught him CPR or something, something he felt he needed to know.

-He drank too much, causing me to drink too much.

-Neediness, your name was George.

-He didn’t drink. That was his thing.

-After a day out, we went to his house and he excused himself to take a shower. From the living room, I could hear him blowing in his nose into the shower. Quite a corker.

-Whenever I’d start to hum or sing something, he would join me. Like a chorus.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like the makings of a good short story.

Anonymous said...

I do like George. I love the last two observations.

I see him more in a novel. He sounds like someone out of a Richard Russo novel to me. Maybe because you render George with something like Russo's keen eye and sense of comedy.

Nin Andrews said...

Yes, he is funny but your response is funnier. I love the CPR - cheese plane idea.

Liz said...

Hi Sarah,

Very much enjoyed this write-up on George - love how you get poetry and humour to ring through the ordinary.


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