Thursday, June 21, 2007


It is raining sheetcakes here. I got to the Hauptbahnhof and headed toward the stairs to find a small crowd starting up the stairwell. I thought maybe someone had od’ed or upchucked or something but no, it was just that no one dared walk up into the downpour. Apparently some people have the option of being late for work. There is much rain in my purse this morning, and also in the pages of my book, my shoes and the pockets of my jacket. The peanut m&ms I threw in my tote bag before leaving the house have disintegrated, and I love the word “lightninging.”

Resumed the 30:30 poem-a-day forum this morning with a poem called “With All Due Respect.” It begins… “Someone felt sorry for a half-eaten apple.” I am sorry I will only finish half the forum, since I’ll be leaving for vacation in a couple weeks.

Weirdly beautiful idea for today: Although I swore off running long ago (after having been a dedicated runner), I think I will stop walking my dog after work and start running her. No more sniffsniff here sniffsniff there, just zoom. Inspiration here (subscription may be necessary!).

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